The Little Mermaid Review

Well after all my hype and excitement the day is finally here – the live-action remake of my favourite Disney movie is here and you bet your favourite seashell I was there to see it on opening day!

So let’s get right into it. Did I hate it? No. Did I love it? Also no.  Yes, this will contain spoilers, but you should know the plot the movie’s been out for 30+ years!

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Let’s Talk About that Deathly Hallows Scene

In anticipation of the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, HBO played each of the 8 Potter films to close out the new year. It had been a while since I had watched any of the movies (Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favourite) and as we got to Deathly Hallows, I couldn’t stop thinking about that scene. You know the one. That “Harmoine” scene as some have dubbed it. It was even brought up by Dan and Emma in the Return to Hogwarts special as it is quite different. I’m talking about that 2-minute sequence where Harry and Hermione dance in the tent after Ron leaves. A scene that has only gotten better with age… Continue reading Let’s Talk About that Deathly Hallows Scene

Zack Snyder’s Justice League Didn’t Suck

So, I watched the Synder Cut and much to my surprise, didn’t hate it the way I thought I would. The general consensus online seems to be that people really loved it, and while I wasn’t expecting a masterpiece I wasn’t all that excited for it considering  I was underwhelmed with Man of Steel (2013) and Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). I ended … Continue reading Zack Snyder’s Justice League Didn’t Suck

Genre Bending: Harry Potter as a Teenage Comedy

This video is almost a decade old now, but it’s still a gem. Some genius out there decided to take Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2009) and remix it to be a teen comedy. It really demonstrates how some creative editing and music choices can drastically alter the tone of a film. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince definitely had a lot … Continue reading Genre Bending: Harry Potter as a Teenage Comedy

Pixar’s Got SOUL

We’ve all heard of The Great Beyond, but what about The Great Before? That’s where middle-school band teacher and aspiring jazz musician Joe Gardner mistakenly winds up. The Great Before is where souls develop their personalities, likes and dislikes, before they make the big leap to Earth and experience life. Desperate to get back to his former existence, Joe meets 22, a peculiar soul who … Continue reading Pixar’s Got SOUL

Great Scott! RDJ and Tom Holland in Back to the Future

I love Back to the Future. It’s probably one of my favourite trilogies, though I could technically do without Part III. Part of what makes Back to the Future so great is the comradery between Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd as Marty McFly and Doc Brown. Another duo that have the same charm and chemistry would be Peter Parker and Tony Stark in the … Continue reading Great Scott! RDJ and Tom Holland in Back to the Future